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Alameda, California



As part of the Defense Base Relocation and Closure Act (BRAC), the US Navy designated 87 acres of the former Alameda Naval Air Station and the Fleet Industrial Supply Center and East Housing Area to be closed and redeveloped.


This brownfield site was transformed through a public/private joint venture, to create Bayport Alameda: a vibrant, sustainable, mixed-income community designed according to New Urbanist principles of traditional neighborhood development. The new street grid is not walled off from the surrounding City, instead acting as an extension of the City of Alameda’s existing street network. All of the community’s homes are clustered around a centrally-located K-8 public school and a 4-acre community park, and four smaller pocketparks are also located throughout the project area. Single-family and duplex homes, as well as multi-family affordable housing, line up along the pedestrian-friendly grid of treelined streets, creating an appealing human-scaled environment with a strong sense of place. Garages all face rear alleyways, which were designed with a dual purpose: not only do they allow for vehicular and service access, but they also help to collect and channel storm water, eventually depositing runoff into an on-site bioretention treatment pond, achieving 100% on-site storm water treatment. 



Bayport Alameda


$375 million



87 acres


Performance Schedule

• Remediation / demolition /

   infrastructure construction / final

   acceptance: 2001 - 2009


• Vertical construction: start Spring



• Sales: start June 2003 – final

   closing of escrow August 2009


Years of Operation



Gross Annual Revenues




ARRA Bonds; BWIP Bonds; Land proceeds (Catellus & Focil); Profit Participation (Bayport JV); Tax Increment; Tax Increment Bonds; Grants; Recycled Material Proceeds; Catellus Loan; Bank of America Loan


Ownership Interest

FOCIL-BP, LLC in a Joint Venture with City of Alameda and Warmington Homes


Role of Respondent

Master Developer for FOCIL-BP, LLC (successor to Catellus)


Type of Operation

Master planning and development implementation


Site Use

485 single family homes, a new school and parks


Marketing + Sales Performance

All homes fully built and sold out



2006 CELSOC Excellence in Engineering Honor Award for Hazardous Waste Cleanup


2005 M.A.M.E. Master Planned Community of the Year Award, (awarded by “Major Achievement in Marketing Excellence” / M.A.M.E)


5 other prestigious homebuilding industry awards


© 2020 Mission Bay Development Group. LLC    

401 TERRY A. FRANCOIS BLVD. SUITE 122  |  SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94158  |  phone 415.355.6600  |

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